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Season 4 Ep Summaries Added!


I have added the short summaries for all season 4 episodes to the episodes' page. Now that I am about to finish the screencapturing work and extended summaries plus filming locations info for the final season 3 eps, you can now (p)review the plot of next season's episodes in the familiar shortcuts. As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, most of these short summaries are basically taken from the official Worldvision press kit that was issued with the release of the series' video edition. Short summaries for season 5 episodes will be supplemented once I have completed the screencapturing and extended summaries plus filming locations info on season 4 episodes.

By the way, the screencaps for the next due episode, Labyrinth, are in the works already and will be added next week.

Stay tuned! :)


© 2024 ⁄  The Streets of San Francisco - fansite/resource for the 70's cop show starring Karl Malden and Michael Douglas
Some design elements taken from the official CBS/Paramount DVD release - with thanks! :)